About the Foundation Today
The Kent Narrows Development Foundation, Inc. facilitates the revitalization of the Kent Narrows, a 995-acre waterfront area which is a strategically important asset to Queen Anne’s County.
The Foundation is a 501-(c)( 3) organization led by a board of directors who work in cooperation with the Queen Anne’s County Commissioners and other governing bodies to establish objectives and guidelines for development and redevelopment of the Kent Narrows, addressing any other issues that may be deemed critical to the area. The Foundation works to focus local public and private leadership efforts in coordinating an economic development program. It also assists in securing the maximum utilization of funding available from county, state, federal and other sources.
An Executive Director coordinates the activities of the Foundation and oversees day-to-day operations.
Contact: Georgeanna Windley at the Foundation for more information at
The Kent Narrows Development Foundation generally meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center in Chester. Meetings in December are generally held on the 3rd Tuesday of those month. Meetings may be postponed or canceled at times due to weather emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances. When county office are officially closed, meetings are automatically canceled.
For specific times and locations, check the Kent Narrows Development Foundation website Kentnarrowsmd.com or call the Kent Narrows Development Foundation Office at 410-609-2491.
The Foundation provides guidance and oversight for the formulation of strategies that balance new economic growth, community redevelopment, support for the County’s fishing and seafood industries, and public access to waterfront activities and amenities. The Foundation is also concerned that environmentally sensitive areas within the Kent Narrows be preserved and contributes to the character of this unique Eastern Shore Community.
Today the Foundation, is active in reviewing development projects to ensure they are in concert with the Kent Narrows Community Plan that was adopted in 2006 and 2010 by the Queen Anne’s County Commissioners. The Foundation will also be active this year in working with the County in updating the Kent Narrows Community Plan which is part of the Queen Anne’s County Comprehensive Plan. It will continue to promote the area and coordinate at variety of projects the serve to improve the region for property owners, businesses, residents and visitors.
Special Notice Related to COVID
In order to responsibly address the continuing health concerns over the spread of COVID-19, the Kent Narrows Development Foundation has instituted a plan to reduce the risk of exposure for our staff and others.
The Foundation’s office located at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center may from time to time be closed for walk-in business. Inquiries are still being answered and Foundation operations are being managed remotely. Visits may be scheduled by calling the director.
As a part of our greater Kent Narrows and Eastern Shore community, we feel great responsibility toward the health and welfare of our friends, neighbors and visitors.
The KNDF will continue to monitor local, state and federal health advisories and quickly follow any guidance they suggest.
Please direct inquiries to info@kentnarrowsmd.com.
For updates and visitor information visit our website at www.kentnarrowsmd.com.
Phone to call for urgent situations only is 302-242-9283.